Summer availability
Chalet Malina can be booked during the summer for short or long-term bookings.
The minimum stay is 7 nights and discounts apply for long-stay bookings.
Please get in touch if you would like to know about prices and availability
The prices above allow up to 8 people in Chalet Malina.
Contact us
Provisional bookings
You can provisionally book a chalet/apartment for up to 72 hours – For us to do this we require you to fill out our online booking form. Please be aware that we will send a confirmation once your booking form has been received.
After 72 hours you can either confirm and secure the booking by paying the 25% holiday deposit or the chalet / apartment will be made available again.
Booking terms
Our normal cancellation terms apply for summer bookings.
Deposit 25% to secure the booking.
Balance due 5 weeks prior arrival in resort.